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What We've Been Up To . . . |
Shalom to all of our new subscribers to the Newsletter! We welcome you with joy in the Spirit of Yah! That said, we've been busy behind the scenes here at Kingdom Preppers. Projects in the works are far ranging, to say the least. We're churning out the second entry in our new Spirit of the Law scripture study series and a new Story Time video for younger viewers in our LKP line, as well as scripture stories, contemporary short stories for tweens and teens, a new webcomic in the LKP Scattered Among the Nations series, more LKP Scripture Readings and more! However, we'd love to produce more Growing Up Hebrew video podcasts, and that's where you come in. . . .
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Want to see more Growing Up Hebrew Podcasts? |
If you have children in your family, including tweens and teens who are growing up in the Hebrew culture, we need you to have them take part in our upcoming podcast of Growing Up Hebrew. We don't have enough interviews to justify a full episode so we need you to contribute more audios! To do so, please click here and follow the instructions. Todah and Shalom! |
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The Yah Particle |
Yah has an ultimate purpose for all the spiritual beings he created. They are all to represent his true essence and nature as veritable particles of himself. But how will this be fulfilled in your life?
Click the button below to read more!
COPYRIGHT © 2015 – 2017 BY KINGDOM PREPPERS We are not affiliated with any Hebrew Israelite groups or organizations, nor any Churches or other Religious institutions. We are also NOT a 501(c)3 organization, despite the .org in our URL.
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