About this episode:
Malvina V. shares her spiritual journey, spanning a 40-year run as a Jehovah’s Witness, to her awakening to truth in 2015, when she learned who true Israel is. Having been set free by that truth, she now bears fruit for Yah on a daily basis.
This podcast will focus on the spiritual walk of those of you out there who are living the Israelite lifestyle, whether you were born Hebrew or Gentile. But more than that, it will detail how the faithful have been—or are striving to be—fruit bearers as they walk the path of righteousness toward the Kingdom.
In Malvina’s Words:
““But I asked him to please make me like them. And as I grew up, when I began to probe into the Scriptures, I realized that there was just no way that he would have considered a prayer like that.””
““I’m thankful that he gave me the opportunity to awake, but I tell you, when I did wake up and realize the things of Scripture that had been taken out, and … omitted and twisted and all of that I was crushed and heartbroken.””
““He’s looking at us individually, and you have to make the truth your own. It has to be just that important to you.””
Keywords: Jehovah’s Witness, Kingdom Hall, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, News Media, Tulsa Oklahoma, Malvina V, personal testimony, Hebrew Israelite, fruit bearers, living Hebrew, kingdom preppers