About the Show
This podcast will focus on the spiritual walk of those of you out there who are living the Israelite lifestyle, whether you were born Hebrew or Gentile. But more than that, it will detail how the faithful have been—or are striving to be—fruit bearers as they walk the path of righteousness toward the Kingdom.
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Most Recent Episode:
Charles grew up in a Christian family that instilled a set of morals in him that acted as seeds for future growth. While he stumbled around in search of who he really was, he finally perceived Yah’s call and began living his purpose by bearing fruit for the Kingdom.
Shalawam ahch! I just want to say what a HUGE blessing your ministry has been to me. When first waking up to my true identity almost 6 years ago, the Most High (TMH) was sooooo good to me in helping me stay clear of all of these camps out here, a lot of which, I have since come to learn, are modern day pharisees. One of the first things HE showed me was when the day actually starts, which at that time was NOT what I was hearing anywhere else. Needless to say, coming across your website and videos on YouTube really bore witness in my spirit (and still does)! They have been a big help in my learning, growing, and teaching. The Fruit Bearers series has been especially ministering to me as this lifestyle is definitely costing me—a price I'm obviously willing to pay because I haven't turned back.... All Praises to TMH for keeping me. At the end of those podcasts when you state this walk is hard and will be ugly at times it's so true. I'm finding that loneliness can also be a part of that mix. I am doing my best to keep myself encouraged during those difficult times and look to YAH for everything I need. Thanks again for all you do and may the Most High continue to richly bless you, your family, and this ministry.
—Charles H.