About this episode:
Karen O. discusses her struggle to overcome lifelong fear following a traumatic childhood event, as well as her tireless search for truth, which she failed to obtain while in Christianity. Today, having found and embraced truth as an awakened believer, Karen is bearing fruit for Yah.
This podcast will focus on the spiritual walk of those of you out there who are living the Israelite lifestyle, whether you were born Hebrew or Gentile. But more than that, it will detail how the faithful have been—or are striving to be—fruit bearers as they walk the path of righteousness toward the Kingdom.
In Karen’s Words:
““I’ll keep it. I just need to know what to do. And that would be my prayer, ‘If you show me how—if you just show me how—I’m willing,’ just show me how!””
““But this . . . is tangible, something that you can hope for, dream about, and work toward. And that’s why I believe. That’s why I believe. I believe it. I believe it.””
““When I’m fearful, it’s because where have my eyes gone? It’s not on him, it’s on circumstance.””
Keywords: playing with fire, childhood trauma, search for truth, awakening, Karen O, personal testimony, Hebrew Israelite, fruit bearers, living Hebrew, kingdom preppers
Other Episodes in This Collection
Kingdom Preppers the Most High Yah has given you this gift of encouraging so many people! Thank you for being obedient to Yahuah.
—Darryl A.