About this episode:
Ron J. walks us through his life, beginning with his conversion to Christianity at age 12, through to his military service fraught with waywardness, to his life of devotion to Yah, where he is now daily striving to bear fruit.
This podcast will focus on the spiritual walk of those of you out there who are living the Israelite lifestyle, whether you were born Hebrew or Gentile. But more than that, it will detail how the faithful have been—or are striving to be—fruit bearers as they walk the path of righteousness toward the Kingdom.
In Ron’s Words:
““And Christianity was very vague about what was a sin, and what you know, what you shouldn’t be doing and what you should be doing. But in the Scriptures, it tells you exactly what a sin is, which is the transgression of the law.””
““It’s easy to walk it, because he instructs you with his word, and through his Spirit, he gives me the power to do it.””
““It took me a long time—40+ years of walking in Christianity—to come to this truth, but I know it’s the Most High’s timing.””
Keywords: navy, uber, prosperity church, mega church, people of the book, hidden identity of blacks in the bible, personal testimony, Hebrew Israelite, fruit bearers, living Hebrew, kingdom preppers
Other Episodes in This Collection
From Ron's testimony: "I need help, I got issues." I can so identify with this and more of his testimony. I too was and am a loner. But Yah is faithful to give me the encouragement I need when I need it. I love the Most High and his son Yahusha and appreciate their instructions and the their faithfulness to work in me to will and do according to their desire whenever I call out for help. "I need help" I got issues." Praise Yah!
—Deborah J.
This episode was awesome. I can identify with everything the brother was speaking about.
—Andrew E.
I must say I am really enjoying the Fruit Bearers podcasts. They are such a blessing and they are helping me in my walk. My husband and I listened to it on Shabbat and he made some positive comments about what Ron J. shared. They were things that he has dealt with. So for that I'm grateful as we strive for the Kingdom.
—Karen O.
Hi, first I want to thank you for giving of yourself to the work of the Kingdom. Ron's story was powerful and freeing. I've just had my eyes opened to the truth of who I am, truly, and whose I am. I've often wondered about my life and why my mother would say to me you're the most peculiar child I have out of the four of us. Now I understand why his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I have been sent here for a purpose. Thank you for your work. It has truly helped open my eyes to the truth.
—Harold J.
Shalom. Wow. I could really relate to Ron’s testimony. My husband also does not fully believe. However, it’s been two years since I’ve come into the truth. I’ve drilled my whole family on the principles to the point of feeling isolated and avoided. But Yah is so faithful! Be encouraged Ron! Yah taught me to thank him for the fact that he may not believe right now so that when he does I can praise Yah even more! He told me that he didn’t allow me to marry someone I would have to see die in their sins! No, I married a man who fears Yahuah! I must speak life or else death will come. HalleluYah! After two of my daughters came into the truth it was hard to reach the other. She was similar to my husband. But Yah showed me that it is not my job to convince anyone of this truth. Since then I have backed off and just trusted Yah to fulfill his own word. And I can say that my daughter and my husband have received more of the truth since Yah took over! HalleluYah! Shalom.
—Asonta B.
Hi there. Stumbled onto your podcast because I saw the title "Fruit Bearers" and right now Heavenly Father has me bearing fruit mentally and literally! I'm listening to Ron J.'s interview. If you keep in touch with him, please let him know that his isolation is training for leadership, but leadership with the ones he least expects. I'm learning that now. He has been set apart to lead and when the time is right, Heavenly Father will send the ones he is supposed to teach.
—Kendra N.
Shalom. My name is Mario Blount and I'm reaching out to you because I just finished listening to your podcast with Ron J. and it was truly a blessing to hear you both speak. I'm 32 years old and was awakened to the truth in 2016. I'm extremely grateful to know this truth but it does get very trying at times because I'm isolated and have only one person sometimes to talk to. All praises be to the Most High Yah.
—Mario B.