About this episode:
Shirleen H. recounts her spiritual journey, which began with a miraculous childhood experience that caused her to be different from everyone around her. She recalls her fruitless time of wandering through the fields of Christianity, which paved the way for her present awakened state in truth, where she is daily bearing fruit for Yah.
This podcast will focus on the spiritual walk of those of you out there who are living the Israelite lifestyle, whether you were born Hebrew or Gentile. But more than that, it will detail how the faithful have been—or are striving to be—fruit bearers as they walk the path of righteousness toward the Kingdom.
In Shirleen’s Words:
““I strayed away at some point, and I felt him no more. I was lost.””
““I’m woke, I see it, and you can’t change my mind.””
““I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. Serve him, and serve him alone.””
Keywords: miracles, near death experience, car out of control, Shirleen H, personal testimony, Hebrew Israelite, fruit bearers, living Hebrew, kingdom preppers
Other Episodes in This Collection
I enjoyed this podcast. This podcast really fed me spiritually. Thank Yah for using these two beautiful individuals as vessels. It helped me even with the mentioning of how we memorialize the Feast Days. I really needed to hear that and it was confirmation. Everyone feels like they have the whole knowledge of how to correctly do the Feast/Holy Days, when we actually don't. We are first in captivity and not on holy land. Also, how light cannot function with darkness, I battle with this. I need to be more stern and remind myself daily: it's a lonely path, it's about him and not so-called friends. I find myself not putting forth his Word, the truth, to not offend others, in fear of losing certain individuals. So many things I battle with, smh (shaking my head).... But things such as this, other people's experiences on this path, help. Thank you so much. I have always been on edge waiting for your videos, but I understand you move when the Spirit tells you, which makes you more genuine in my eyes and makes me appreciate your messages even more. Keep doing what he leads you to do. Those who need it are listening and paying attention and applying it to our best ability.
—Desiree C.
I enjoyed Shirleen H's Fruit Bearers podcast. I surely understand her frustrations in trying to share knowledge of him and his written word, the bible, and it falling upon ears of rejection. I know how she feels. I pray that her children will begin to listen to the bible truths Yah has opened her eyes to. She has great willingness to share with them and any who will listen. The desire for loved ones to hear such wonderful hope, bible truths, is a natural desire. I pray she will stay strong and never leave Yah. Continue to learn and seek Yah's help and information pertaining to all matters in our lives. She will never be misguided by Yah. Thank you for sharing this very encouraging podcast of Shirleen H.
—Malvina V.
I loved Shirleen’s testimony and how passionate she is for Yah. I’m a man and I’m somewhat of a crybaby too when it comes to the Most High’s mercy or loving commitment to those of us he has chosen to awaken in these last days. I look forward to meeting all those who endure till the end, when the set apart ones go marching into the kingdom of Yah.
—Ron J.