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Yeshua to the Rescue, Yeshua Forgives, & Yeshua Heals
When a lame beggar asks the emissaries Peter and John for money as they pass him, Peter offers the man something much more valuable instead.
Yeshua performs his greatest miracle by raising a dead girl back to life, showing that the power of Yah is limitless.
When Yeshua heals ten men cursed with leprosy, only one, a Gentile, returns to praise Elohim and give him thanks.
As a bold follower of Yeshua, Peter, a zealous disciple, insists that he would never forsake his master. But when put to the test, Peter does exactly what he said he wouldn't.
After getting a direct command from Yeshua, the Prophet Jonah refuses to obey, and he even gets angry when the people of Nineveh repent and are forgiven by Yeshua.
While Moses ascends to the top of Mount Sinai to retrieve the Law from Yeshua, his brother, Aaron, stays behind and leads the people of Israel in committing terrible sins.
Even after Yah unleashes a series of plagues against the land of Egypt, Pharaoh still refuses to let the people of Israel go so they can serve Yah in the wilderness. But one final plague will change everything.
Abraham pleads with Yeshua to spare the people of two wicked cities if enough righteous are there. Before the cities are destroyed, Yeshua saves Lot and his family.
When all the hearts of the people of the world become filled with evil, only Noah is found to be righteous, so Yeshua chooses him and his family to start all over again.
Tonia Townes Collection
Our great ancestor, Abraham, sends his most trusted servant, Eliezer, in search of a suitable wife for his grown son Isaac. Eliezer goes with the guidance of Yah and meets Rebekah in the land of Mesopotamia.
Samson's strength is so great that he cannot be defeated, but many of his enemies seek to learn where this strength comes from.
After Naomi suffers hardships, she and her daughter-in-law, Ruth, embark on a new journey powered by their faith in Yah.
After his mother, Hannah, dedicates him to Yah, Samuel grows up among priests in Yah's temple and becomes one of few who hears the voice of Yah speaking to him.
Deborah receives a message from Yah, and she instructs Barak to lead his troops in battle against Israels's enemies in order to be freed from them.
After finally getting the son he was promised, Abraham's faith is tested when Yah asks him to sacrifice his child to see how faithful and trusting he truly is.